Back at it again, ya’ll…here’s May (in all her unedited glory).
- Good morning! Greetings in the precious, blessed name of our soon-coming Savior Jesus Christ!
- This was one reason why I was hesitant to get my concealed carry-I didn’t want to be associated with the trigger-happiness many people who carry have. Like…the police. 🙁 God bless this woman’s family…
- Been listening to more people waking up from the Watchtower on Youtube. My goodness-beautiful people (I mean literally), with a passion for the things they believed in, now realizing it was wrong, and how they cope with that aftermath. I wanna continue to stay ready and pray for them on the regular-orthodox Christian organizations that are out here ministering to those people could possibly be seeing support from my way in the future.
- Filled out a budget worksheet for small group today. *sigh*
- Oh wow…
- Guy that shot up the Chabad synagogue…his fam is a part of the OPC. And as one who usually looks at statements with a side-eye, I’m glad they made one unequivocally condemning his actions and the despicable ideology that led him to commit such a horrific act. May God work in healing all of those affected in His time.
- Ya’ll familiar with Rev. Jonathan Fisk? I discovered Worldview Everlasting on Youtube…his video “You Lutheran Scum…” was great…until I got to his discussion about the difference between the Reformed and Lutheran views of the sacraments.
- I acknowledge the fact that the two views are unequivocally different. “Spiritually present” is not even close to the same as “in/with/under”. I get that, am still trying to fully grasp all of what is behind both positions, and…wasn’t Zwingli the one who pushed against sacramental views, and his “memorializing” and rejection of the word “sacrament” more directly lead to the sacramental dumpster fire that we
- Rich people problems…
- Starting this thing LATE in the day (1314) – how ya’ll doin’?
- Pray for my family: my sister got assaulted at work! (not by a coworker, long story you won’t get the details of until/unless I start tweeting again); she called me sounding like she was/just finished crying as I was headed to small group…so I flipped the whip and went to do hashtag brother duties; she’s okay…it’s just wild how things can get at times
- Small group was cool-still worth getting there even if I was there almost 30min late lol…the conversation w/ friends (PEOPLE MY AGE!) about randomness is worth it alone tbh
- Huldrych Zwingli…Hoodrich Swingy…seems legit *shrugs*
- who dis dude, and why everybody who a democrat in federal office over 35 finna run for president?
- sn: coworker saw he was born in India and had us turnt up for about a minute until I pointed out his daddy was an ambassador over there LOL
- My only issue with this is that at least for a while all this serves to do is bring more attention to the crazies… (aye while you at it though get rid of the pro-abortion folk too if we are gonna keep it 100)
- Ok I haven’t been keeping up with this too much, but this is kinda funny
- Ah
- Wow
- whoa
- It’s Friday! 🙂
- NORTH CAROLINA! <whispers>…oh she fine fine, huh…</whispers>
- Nokia was founded the same year that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. (from Reddit…and Wikipedia confirms this)
- Did you know…I still get emails from the second LCMS church that I visited months ago? I went there one time, emailed the pastor about some stuff, and he added me to their men’s group email list. It’s cool to see what they have going on from afar-they’re planning on playing poker tonight! 😀 (I need to visit again at some point in the near future…)
- Hmm…
- track of the day: Commissioned – Ordinary Just Won’t Do (the newer one without any of the original guys that sounds like late 90s R&B, not the older/slower one that sounds like it was produced by the person that produced Donell Jones’ “Where I Wanna Be”) I find it amazing that the same song lyrically can sound so radically different and arguably convey different emotions. Yay producers!
- I think I pulled a lower back muscle on the incline leg press machine yesterday-I feel it today, though I’m still probably going to the gym because…legs are already done lol
- Ruh-roh…
- <looks on FB, sees a friend’s post about Rachel Held Evans, thinks “must be another one from the one I would see on Twitter”…clicks link>…WHAT IN THE <expletive>?! HOLD UP!…😢 May God bless her, her husband Dan, their family and all those she impacted…
- A thing! I did not know this about the JWs… 🙁
- Didn’t realize until today just how much I run around on Sundays…oh hey I hope ya’ll had a blessed Lord’s day today!
- Back to reading, and actually updated and worked on my site for a few minutes. I might need to invest in a WordPress book because I haven’t a clue as to what I’m doing…
- Have I mentioned yet that The Plucked Chicken podcast is worth listening to? I only have two Lutheran podcasts I listen to, but they’re so necessary (and boffum are on Spotify too now if that’s more your cup of tea)
- fragrance of the day: Hermes – Terre d’Hermes EDT (from a 2mL decant that I bought a while back because some woman on Youtube said I should try it for the summer…I need to stop falling for stuff like that LOL) First wear a while back didn’t impress me really at all – TODAY though…it’s actually not that bad at all. I have a few more vetiver-based decants on the way; will see how it compares…)
- track of the day: Clipse – Grindin’
- Randumb: You can’t score if you don’t ever shoot so… #ShootersShoot
- Listening to the “Discernment” episode of Theology Gals…
- I didn’t know that was how “Jesus Calling” is described by the publisher. O_O
- Games I need cases for: Super Mario 64, Pokemon Stadium, Virtua Racing (32X), Knuckles’ Chaotix (32X), Spiritual Warfare (GB), Columns (Genesis), Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis), Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (Genesis), Sonic and Knuckles (Genesis)
- Oh
- “Good things, done in the wrong situation/circumstance, can often quickly become bad things.” – taken from a comment in response to someone’s question on r/reformed
- Also from thread: “…there’s no such thing as borrowing against a planned wedding.”
- In Layman’s Terms (“Sex Isn’t Everything”) -> When constructs that reduce such fundamentals as gender and sex are rejected, there is an aim by society to reduce or normalize the very sin that God desires to forgive you for – there’s no sin to be forgiven when the law of God is rejected.
- It was interesting to note the lesbian woman he included audio from that was kicked out of liberal things because of her objection about sex-she acknowledged (and in fact embraced) the inherent difference between a man and a woman, and the transgender community won’t having that
- MATINS AND VESPERS (learned what they are lol)
- Aye…<while listening to Issues, Etc.>…repeat after me…Mr. Perry is not a Lutheran…Mr. Perry is not a Lutheran…Mr. Perry is not a Lutheran…
- I don’t want ya’ll thinking something incorrect lol
- As a whole, it does seem as if, at large…the conservative “side” is actually more accepting of dissenting opinion because…well…inherent design. As a conservative, you kinda have to acknowledge all views of a particular thing regardless of how ridiculous they are (which could then lend to conservatives needing to more proactively/explicitly condemn stupid people and their rhetoric when they fly under the conservative banner), whereas a liberal more passively has to “go with the flow” in embracing everything proactively/explicitly, and dissention would yield “not being a part of the team”. One side is fundamentally designed to accept critique, the other has to stiff-arm it in some form. Now mind you, I don’t believe that’s a requirement from a liberal POV as well (as in, I do believe you could be a liberal politically and socially conservative) – I just think It’s half past difficult to do in today’s climate, and you definitely won’t have any state or national platform to that end. How does that manifest itself more practically? Find me a pro-life liberal in politics today (one who votes to that end too). Find me an anti-“embrace all that comes along with the LGBT agenda” liberal in politics today.
- Oh wow “The Briefing” is a good rundown of what in the world is going on in the world from a Christian POV – its’ a good start for what notes I collect here lol
- Buttigeg’s conundrum of liberal Christianity
- “Are morality and theology always linked? The answer has to be yes…”
- Yeah, I’m biased…but I’ll admit I’m not a fan of DeVos at all…
- <sarcasm> Is this where they throw the LDS gang signs or am I getting my info confused? </sarcasm>
- More cult stuff…it’s an anniversary
- Just made my first purchase from the Facebook Marketplace – it’s a Game Boy Advance SP (not AGS-101 *sigh*), a Game Boy Color (purple), Final Fantasy III (DS, I already own this game so I’ll resell it or trade it in somewhere), Zelda Ocarina of Time (3DS), some other GBA game that I hadn’t heard of and some accessories for $95 (~$98 using PayPal G&S). I thought it was a good deal for all of that stuff to be operational at that price-I have plans for the GBC, and will probably just play the GBA
- I wish The Church took some tips on how to lift its’ members up along the lines of r/toastme at times…
- Uhh…Florida…
- Oh wow
- Speaking of what I said before…_OHWTB_
- …there’s a push/pull thing going on…
- Hmm…
- This was really on Yahoo’s front page, ya’ll…
- Randumb: Aye…say what you will – Leah Remini and Katie Holmes ain’t do nothing but trend up after leaving Scientology. Good for them! (I pray they come to a saving faith in Christ though etc etc etc)
- Shouts to Jamie Foxx btw
- Got a question about the WELS (yes, Lutherans): 1, I don’t believe a single person in the WELS was a friend of mine on Twitter-do they tweet?; 2-if complete unity in scriptural doctrine/practice is necessary for fellowship with them…why aren’t all of them that are in fellowship just one big ol’ denomination since nothing would differentiate them at all? Kinda confused there. With my limited research though, I think I like the LCMS position over the WELS…and it’s not even close tbh
- Oh hey ya’ll 🙂
- Grape Airheads… <insert flame emojis>
- Oooo…
- 🙁
- I still find it amazing that Billy lost his job but ol orange oompa loompa there that actually made the joke got the biggest promotion ever, yet here we are…*shrugs* I know now more than ever-the world ain’t fair, nor will it ever be until His return…*sigh*…
- Hmm…
- My goodness! 🙁
- I’m not really sure why this is coming up again for me, but being black and Reformed is…umm…<pauses, thinks for a second, takes deep breath>…lemme Google and read. I can’t be the only one…
- (this was written by a black Presbyterian elder in the PC(USA)…IN 1992.)
- Wuuuuutttttt…
- …and this…
- Wait-they keep track of this stuff?
- Oh wow…
- Have I got “it” out of my system yet? Am I happy? Am I satisfied with whatever tension it is that it seems like I’m feeling at present?
- No/Ehh/Iono
- …let’s move on or something…
- Does anyone know anything about the hand symbol that’s on many (if not all of the not-live ones) of Maze feat. Frankie Beverly’s albums? I just noticed it was everywhere…wondering if there’s something behind it or is it just their logo?
- (ok my mind is still running…I wonder how Brad Mason is doing? <checks his site-folk whose blogs I read from Twitter I have in their own Google Chrome bookmark folder; I keep up…)
- Uh-oh…
- <gets to around tweet 10 in his thread he so nicely included pics of because the tweets themselves wouldn’t have shown up> <insert gasp emoji>
- (after getting through tweet thread) Ah, so it seems since I’ve been off of that there social media platform, nothing has changed – if anything, some people have dug in their heels. I haven’t finished reading the article as of yet…but I will…but first, I’ve got small group to attend – we’re talking about saving and investing or something like that, and I’m tryna keep my money long
- Uh-oh…
- And hey, Amy has posted a couple more things!
- Hey ya’ll – almost got to work late today because I stayed at small group late doing some financial stuff. There’s more, but that’s all I got for you right now. On to what I be seein’…
- Now see, here’s where I umm…you’d think I’d actually be for initiatives like that-ya know, with me being a Christian and all…but it’s a little more complicated than that. I’m for the freedom to be able to present the Christian world view to students, the openness to discuss scripture in school, etc…but I’m not for it being an explicit part of curriculum or whatever. It’s all good when things benefit you, but you must also remember to think of the implications of laws and constructs when they’re applied not in your favor as well…I…idk…maybe I need to look into this more–and-its-working/2019/05/08/f3bb490e-39e8-11e9-a06c-3ec8ed509d15_story.html?utm_term=.7b3e42425330
- Lol I don’t think they’re impeachin that oompa loompa
- After that last Cultish episode about the occult and using drugs to get to mental states we aren’t supposed to be in to communicate with stuff we are told in the Bible to leave alone…yeah…iono bout the ‘shrooms, fam…
- …talkin out of both sides of ya mouth, AOC? *sigh*…I can help you with the collard greens though… (this is why some politicians just don’t say anything when it comes to “taking a side” – sometimes…dare I say, many times…it’s just not worth it)
- throw the whole administration away
- So a politician – seems like her name is Lynn Jennings or something – used the fact that Jesus was crucified to try to justify the death penalty.
- throw the politician away. (note that that is not my picking a side here-it’s my saying I disagree with her reference for support)
- Watched John Oliver’s lil soliloquy on lethal injections. I wonder if he is cool with assisted suicide…because they’re two peas in the same pod (abortion is on the same plant too) – and some liberals are anti-lethal injection/death penalty plus pro-abortion plus pro-assisted suicide. Trot out the toddler.
- Great volleyball game session
- Pastor Fisk of Worldview Everlasting…I am not a Lutheran…I am not a Lutheran…I am not a Lutheran…
- Keeping the Word…upholding the law does not prove your salvation. Only faith in Christ does.
- 🙂
- Paradoxes, reason, communion…oh my!
- Going through some tabs I had left open on my computer…
- Hmm…
- There is a point here…
- Longform
- Ooohhhh…
- Colors!
- Oh my goodness…Kawhi Leonard’s game-winner was amazing. I LOVE THE NBA
- last membership/”Welcome to <church name>” class that I’ll be attending due to being out-of-town next week…and then the interview or whatever idk
- Oooo Lordy got up late… #ButGod
- Carolinuhhhh…
- This is how I’ve read preachers are supposed to preach too…
- O_O
- Wuuuutttt…
- SERVES HIM RIGHT (no I do not like him or his incendiary rhetoric – the Gospel is, on it’s own, enough to agitate…ain’t no need at all to be a sick jerk on top of it)
- Hmm…
- I think I’m having some issues with double predestination too, jsyk…
- two things that keep tying me up, and I’ll include a little history as well. In church growing up, the old pastor would always put an emphasis on the word “all”. He’d usually follow up with the question “What does ‘all’ mean?” to which we would say “All means all and that’s all all means.” And that’s exactly how I looked at the word “all”…until hashtag reformed came along. When hearing the Gospel at a soteriologically reformed church I never hear mention of this (which is a good thing), but taken to its’ logical conclusion “all” doesn’t mean “all”, or it does…just in different ways for different people. The first position flat out creeps me out; the second I can understand a little better…though it also highlights another thing that I feel I was deprived from in my youth-the emphasis on the ultimate sovereignty in God’s election. I’m all over the place right now but that definition of “all” is a thing for me
- secondly, this whole idea of God foreordaining both who He elects to salvation…AND those who would be condemned. Weren’t we born into our trespasses/sin? So, because of the fall #totaldepravity …wouldn’t that mean that our default position would also be condemnation? #BUTGOD …I feel uncomfortable with where the logical conclusion of some of this might take me, but it’s something I am continually going to chew on and pray over. I ain’t gotta decide anything right now, or affirm anything in particular…ain’t like I’m ever gonna be an elder or deacon of a church *shrugs*
- How do ya’ll feel about songs that might be theologically okay, but are sourced from…questionable sources? For example, Hezekiah Walker and T.D. Jakes both seem to be oneness Pentecostal. It’s not the Pentecostal I have a problem with per se-it’s the oneness. But straight up I didn’t know that of them back in the day when I listened to their music. So…what of it? Here’s a few to check out…minus whale throw Hillsong in there too with prosperity foolishness amongst other things:
- T.D. Jakes – This Test Is Your Storm (nah he ain’t singing – he only screams in his few musical appearances at any rate) (yikes emoji)
- Hezekiah Walker – Second Chance (yikes emoji)
- Hillsong – Man of Sorrows (heard this one first at an apostolic church…[DON’T ASK], speaking of which I want to apologize to them b/c I’m pretty sure I tried to gas them up by saying things were so wild and wrong with them when they were just a sincerely-intentioned basic Pentecostal church [because just like any other church/denomination/theological position there is both good and bad] with whose theological positions I didn’t necessarily agree with, but they themselves weren’t the problem-it was me. I’ll take the blame and there’s no need for me to direct any of my foolishness on a “cage stage” when I’m responsible for those actions as well…it’s like being drunk: not good.)
- Was really nervous about how this was gonna go at first…
- <back to reading Mr. Mason’s thingy here cuz I ain’t finish yet…>
- Hmm…”Judas Iscariot was the original SJW.” (20180921)
- “‘Jesus didn’t pay it all.’ – SJWs” (20181214)…both by Mr. Darrell B. Harrison…before I left Twitter. Included are some tweets after I left too, but I just don’t know where I was at to have missed those. It’s probably a good thing too…September of last year was a beautiful month – I got to meet Joe! And it’s #birthday month too…yet towards the end of the year Twitter didn’t feel so hot, and by March 2019 I was really kinda out of it. Lent came around and gave me an out – I just haven’t got back yet. Considering the tweets, I’m low-key inclined to add on Facebook/email/phone/other social media the people I consider friends from up there and just quit it…but we shall see.
- <5 minutes of scrolling later> I’m sick…having flashbacks of all that I left…not sure if I’m gonna get through this article.
- <1 minute later..thinks…> I wonder how Fred Butler is doing? He blocked me on Twitter a good while ago…I pray all is well with him.
- <30 sec later> wait what?!
- WHAT IS WRONG WITH WHAT MR. PUMA SAID?! Or what Mr. Phil Wade said (Mr. Buice seems to be reacting preemptively at a thing I guess – what he is responding to in of itself isn’t bad; he just seems to be reading much worse into the statements, which also is a problem on Twitter – people assuming by reading into tweets the worst they can think of them…but that isn’t Christ-like at all, and…my pops told me that to assume makes an 🍑 out of u and me…👀)?
- (note: after I left)
- <had to leave for a few meetings, picked back up, continues to read…gets lightheaded…>
- <gets to another tweet> Oh! @MeMyselfAndI (Miss Elizabeth Bennet)…her and I had a falling-out (I think) quite a bit before my run-in with Fred Butler. She blocked me with the quickness, and dug in her heels. I wish things could’ve went a little more like they did with Mrs. Lucy (ya’ll know who I’m talking about – her artwork legit)…we had a falling-out, there was a block…but we reconciled. You grow and learn – even if we might disagree on some things, there’s a lot we did (and still do) agree on. I miss seeing the Lucy responses on my feed-that’s the kind of stuff I miss from Twitter (chicken tweets, baptism arguments #BaptiseYourBabies , tweets from Joe about how foolish this world is, talking about books we’re reading or podcasts we’re listening to, #FragranceTweets )…I pray Miss Bennet, Miss Lucy, and everyone has been doing well since I’ve been gone – but as this article seems to be settling in my mind: yeah, I needed to go…and I still need to stay away. I’ll be back at some point.
- Most everything in discussions on Twitter aren’t like baptism though: in that context, either you’re credo…or you’re right (LOL I HAD TO!). When it comes to issues with/advocates for social justice, that binary juxtaposition seems to also be forced – a person can’t zoom out and see the effects of systemic racism and be in ardent opposition to abortion. You’ve gotta pick, and once you do you’re pigeonholed. Which makes sense if you also buy into the political party hype machine which forces people into that polarizing dichotomy. It’s just weird to see that by and large our arguments are no different than the ones posed to society at large, and even worse we don’t seem to be handling them with any more grace or eloquence than they are. But we’re The Church – what sets us apart at present? I hate it, I hate it, I hate it…it makes me sick…and…yeah I’m still off. Just had to type this out.
- Thanks for the verses!…but…umm…so the church has no place in preaching against the sin the Gospel accounts for? As in, don’t we have to hold two things in hand: (1) we’re forgiven by the blood of the Lamb – salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus alone [vertical]…AND (2) loving your neighbor as yourself/walk in your vocation in a manner according to the law of Christ [horizontal]. Even this seems to be binary: one side is (often) all about the vertical, and the other is (often) all about the horizontal…when biblically both things should be emphasized. Or am I missing something here? I know I am, so…come on with it…
- Ya’ll, I ain’t reading any more of this…I just don’t have the energy…
- <a minute later> I lied…smh
- Ya know, to an extent I agree with this. Not in the way he (or maybe you) might think, but there is a morsel of truth to it. I should write about it. I probably won’t, but I should.
- Ya’ll leave Brad alone and let him get back to writing about black Presbyterians! 😡
- Have I included this before? If not, read it
- Much of what I’ve gone through as far as her timeline…I played that out on Twitter. I didn’t outright reject the black church because my experience with it was particularly unique (I think: as opposed to being a part of any black denomination we were independent, baptist, premillenial dispensationalist…and much of what people assume about the black church [esp. from the anti-SJW “the black church’s theology is terrible”] would only apply to us…if they then applied it to dern near all of the non-Calvinist SBC churches too, theologically speaking [we were more like them than anything else]); I still go for events as well…I might join the church I currently attend, but any honeymoon phase was killed quite a while ago too – thanks Twitter (no seriously!, and specifically Lutheran twitter). I pray the last two blocks never get reached though. ‘Cuz my goodness, if they do…
- Ok I’m done now.
- DANGIT PROPOGANDA…I hadn’t listened to this track in a while cuz it’s not on Spotify… track of the day Murs, Rapsody, and Propoganda – Walk Like A God (prod. by 9th Wonder)
- “I have shaped my existence on His persistence…” (that line will always stop me…)
- An interesting case where the two Trump appointees went opposite directions…
- Al Mohler’s discussion on the “…so help me God” that seems to be getting pushed out of taking an oath by Democrats in congress was pretty good
- 🙂
- Apologies for the lack of stuff yesterday…I mean…sometimes it be like that…haha
- Random: saw a bear crossing the road again on my way to work
- …the SBC Deep State?! Ya’ll…ok – guess I’ll be listening to Doctrine and Devotion…*sigh* Adrian Mathenia #SBCDeepState
- (has nothing to do with the podcast, but a Bing search yielded this) this article had to have been written by an actual idiot it is stuff like this that encourages me to post things online…because I can’t possibly be any worse of a troll lol
- I don’t like Relevant either but here’s a counterargument
- Listening to an old but unheard-by-me episode of Theology Gals and they’re talking about the Pence rule, Why Can’t We Be Friends? (a little), and Godly husbands…<insert Kevin Hart crying GIF>…
- prayer: Lord, make me into the man that loves and leads in the way they say their husbands do…well, if in Your will I’m to be married or whatever…shoot, give me those gifts regardless.
- It’s important to not have secrets – keep things open in regards to communication
- …and yes, it’d be easy to just slide in track of the day Babyface – Never Keeping Secrets …but I’m not gonna be that person today. (there’s always tomorrow)
- Is avoidance…purity? <ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHhhHhHhhHhHhhhhhhhhhhhh LOOOOOOooooOOooorrRRrrrrddddd…(other Canton Spirituals: ohhhhh Lawd…)>
- Pastoral counseling that requires both spouses? Well what about if one spouse is the problem?
- prayer: Lord, make me into the man that loves and leads in the way they say their husbands do…well, if in Your will I’m to be married or whatever…shoot, give me those gifts regardless.
- Listened to The New Geneva Podcast about baptism (pt. 2)
- “You can drown in the waters of baptism…”
- We still have people thinking Ben is Lex? 😂
- Well dang I ain’t know about this dude… ya’ll pray for dude
- Random: what’s the difference between the AALC and the LCMS though? They seem a lot alike…
- <sees another update on the college scandal and Lori Loughlin, chooses to ignore it yet mention the fact that I did here anyway so…>
- Hmm…
- Wow smh
- 😊
- Hmm
- Oh wow
- For small group all we did was meet up at the church and play games. And ya know what? It was good.
- Two things
- 1) Fox Business’ new website interface looks slick – I like it
- 2) This guy paid how much for a dern rabbit? I got a real one I’d let dude hold fo FREE
- 🙂
- …
- Wild day today so not too many links but did I mention I won a raffle on FB for a $50 fragrance decant gift certificate?! 🙂 I haven’t a clue what I’m going to get but…I’m gonna get something lol
- this is appropriate for today: track of the day Kirk Franklin – Brighter Day
- <looks at email notification from Patheos on phone, almost swipes it away>…wait, there was a same-sex marriage on ARTHUR? Like, Arthur the Aardvark? THAT show?
- wuuuuuutttttttt
- soooo many people seem to be buying the pro-abortion rhetoric and it’s sad…or maybe it’s just the exact same stuff I was falling for not too terribly long ago…hmm…
- <thing from Quora>: Ben Shapiro said that Jews that voted for Obama were “Jews in name only”; that’s along the same lines as many on the evangelical right that say that people who voted for Obama weren’t Christians (usually filled with disclaimers, just like Shapiro)
- Shapiro won’t ready for the smoke
- 🙁
- Say WHAT now?
- …gonna be out of town for a lil bit…hopefully I get to continue, but at minimum I’ll have pics lol
- Y’all have a blessed Lord’s day…I’m out!
- Aite I’m back after the trip…ayyyeee let’s go
- Smh
- Umm…I need new FB friends…
- I think my old Nintendo 3DS XL is dead 🙁 I guess I have to get a New (see what I did there?) one because I love that system smh
- Discovered Bryan Wolfmueller on Youtube! (LCMS)
- Hmm…<reads again>…wuuuuttttt…
- Seminex…wuuutttt?!
- So I have some…uhh…news…: I am now a member of a Presbyterian Church! (PCA) Get at me.
- It’s Memorial Day so I have the day off…
- Memorial Day
- Lol
- Oh wow
- Dangit a Windows 10 laptop under my domain doesn’t seem to like wireless connections anymore…*sigh*…on to troubleshooting…
- I can get with this…
- …but I do respect how…uhh…things could go wrong too…
- Nuance! Ah…such a foreign concept… (sn: Jordan Cooper’s videos have been great to watch over these weeks off Twitter – between him, Fisk, and Wolfmueller…you might think I were Lutheran or something…I mean, I’m not…but…yeah nvm lol)
- (from Pocket) wuuuutttt
- Aww…
- I’m a real one – I got the link from Fox News…and isn’t this what the conservative party should be applauding? Private enterprise making happen stuff like this? Instead of…Mexico…?
- Well I mean…
- Folk gotta do better than use something from a source without checking it out first (watch me mess up in the exact same fashion in short notice)
- Lord knows if I ever qualify to be on this list, I’m signing it…but I gotta get rich first <insert looks up emoji>
- (after having listened to “DeYoung, DeRestless & DeRealLiteralLutheran Ninjitsu” from FiskJ…)…WHY DO I EVEN HAVE ANY LUTHERAN “FRIENDS”?! 😭😭😭😭😭
- Fragrance of the day (it’s been a while, huh?): Mont Blanc – Legend Spirit
- Lol
- uhh…ok
- (isn’t this similar to my argument on banking overdraft fees? “YOU’RE GONNA PENALIZE ME FOR BEING BROKE-I ALREADY DON’T HAVE MONEY, SO YOU TAKE FROM NOTHING?! THAT’S NOT HOW THIS WORKS!”)
- another reference: I’ve seen around the internets articles (at least one lol) about how expensive it is to be poor – this is usually one thing referenced there…the fact that it usually costs money (unforeseen) to have a bank account, and without a bank account other opportunities aren’t readily accessible either
- Dis cheating lol: if the e-motors are used for the bulk of acceleration from zero, this thing is gonna have insane takeoff with that essentially-instant torque…*sigh*…it don’t matter…I ain’t ever gonna even see it, let alone drive it lol
- “Senior Director of Culinary Innovation and Strategy” == “I’m in charge of how the stuff tastes”
- Ah! Good luck to him!
- 😊 (where are the onions at in this office area? What is this liquid coming from my eyes?)
- Alright
- Introducing the guy who replaced Charles Stanley as the one I refer to as “Ol Turkeyneck” (gobble gobble) – why do I think his precedent is gonna backfire in a way no one on the right can imagine…(it will – it always does)
- Oh wow
- “Telling me I’m awesome makes me feel miserable – why don’t you tell me I’m forgiven?” – J Fisk
- Albert Mohler’s discussion on “happiness” vs. joy yesterday is something you should check out. I found it quite encouraging.
- Good morning! ROFLMBOOOOOO
- 🙁
- We got a big baby as a president-I respect if you voted for him for whatever reason, but we real talk have a BIG OLD BABY as president; a whole spoiled brat. Yeah, I shouldn’t have even voted…nobody “won” anything. (AT YOURSELF NOT ME CUZ I’M NOT HEARING IT RN)
- Why I haven’t got a Switch yet: Nintendo is run by a bunch of genius-level idiots.
- …a whole idiot…
- Bruh
- …
- I’m glad he did something though. But check the language about the unborn child: that baby…is an unborn child. And there are people in this world that would be cool with that child being aborted. <pause> BRUH. Issa human right there. Protect it.
- JUUUUSSSSTTTT in case you haters think I’ve lost my touch, I still be out here…what’s up, CRCNA? According to ya’lls website it’s no less than about 2hrs before your nearest church from me… 🙁
- (yes, it jumps to a specific page for a reason)
- (yes, this did come from a Reddit post, and no I will not comment on stuff like that because [1] I don’t know the r/Reformed subreddit folk like that and [2] conversations about stuff like this don’t allow me to think rationally many times – I get agitated and mad that my “brothers” sometimes seem to give a pass to folk that I would much rather not give one to, and things quickly devolve from there. Don’t @ me about this either.)
- Ughhh…I got a lot of…nvm
- Veith…
- Sheesh…
- Once I finish the two books I’m on currently, I’ll spend some time with a random book from my Goodreads list…and something about Calvin and/or Luther and…vocation.
- Good…morninguuhhhh…
- Say whaaaaa?
- Saw this on IG lol